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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 36

               the requirement that the motion                    are different. Einstein’s second idea

               must be in a straight line and at                  was to reject the notion that time
               constant speed.                                    and space are absolute.

               One of the predictions that comes                  Time and Space are Not

               out of this idea about all viewpoints              Constant
               being equal is that all
               electromagnetic waves, including                   The speed of light is the same
               light, travel with speed c (186,000                in all reference frames. The only
               miles per second), even though                     way for this to be possible is if the
               different observes may move                        increments of time and space are
               relative to each other!                            different for different observers.

               Imagine you’re standing at a gas
               station and you have a device that
               can measure the speed of light. It
               has a very fast clock inside that will
               measure how long it takes light to
               travel along the meter stick inside.
               Your friend drives by in a car at 70

               mph with an identical device. You
               both see a traffic light flash up
               ahead, and you both measure the

               exact same speed for light.
                                                                  Common sense tells us that clocks
               Worse yet, another friend with an
                                                                  tick at regular intervals, and that a
               identical device in an airplane
                                                                  meter stick does not change from
               traveling at 600 mph measures the
                                                                  one day to the next. Our common
               speed of light from the same flash
                                                                  sense comes from our experience
               and gets the same answer for c.
                                                                  in the real world, which happens to
                                                                  be very limited in terms of speed.
               A fourth friend traveling at half the
                                                                  If we had learned as a baby to
               speed of light in a rocketship
                                                                  crawl at 90% the speed of light,
               repeats this same experiment and
                                                                  then these ideas about space and
               also gets the same value for c.
                                                                  time would make intuitive sense to
               How can this be?

               It’s possible only if our
                                                                  Since we don’t travel anywhere
               measurements of time and space
                                                                  near the speed of light, we often

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