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P. 239

Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 37

               have trouble imagining what                        as the ones in the rocketship and

               happens if we could. Our common                    in the car and on the ground. The
               sense isn’t wrong, just limited. So                meter stick in the rocketship still
               it’s time to expand it a little. Are               reads one meter, and the clock still
               you ready?                                         ticks by once every second.

               One of the first things you must do                The key is in the ‘differences’. Let
               is watch your language. It’s very                  me explain:
               easy to be biased and think that
               your viewpoint is the ‘right one’,                 First, let’s describe an ‘event’. An
               but if you truly understand                        event is both a place and time. So,
               relativity, then you know this can’t               if you were born in ‘1980 in New
               be true.                                           York’, then that is an event. To say
                                                                  you were born in ‘New York’ is not
               For example, in the traffic light                  an event, and to say just ‘1980’ is
               example, if you were in the car and                not an event. You need both, and
               I was on the ground, I can’t                       you’ll see why in just a moment.
               dismiss your observation because
               ‘you were moving’, because that                    Time Dilation
               would be saying that the laws of

               physics don’t work if you’re in                    Time dilation is not about clocks or
               motion. Both of us are able to do                  light, it’s about time itself.
               our physics experiments equally
                                                                  Measures of time are simply
               well. Even the friend in the
                                                                  different for different observers
               rocketship – her data
                                                                  in motion relative to each
               measurements are just as valid as

                                                                  Time dilation is often described by
               So what happened? Are you
                                                                  saying “moving clocks run slow”.
               thinking: “Does something strange
                                                                  Can you see the problem with this
               happen to moving clocks and
                                                                  statement? It infers that there’s
               meter sticks?”
                                                                  one clock that’s right, and the rest
               Watch your language! The minute                    are all slow, which totally violates
               you think that, you’re implying that               the principle of relativity!
               the clock and meter stick at rest
                                                                  For relativity to hold true, the
               are special and really the ‘right’
                                                                  observer in the plane would feel
               ones. The meter stick and clock in
                                                                  nothing usual is happening
               the plane are just as perfectly good

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