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P. 240

Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 38

               whatsoever! The observer in the                    But according to the twin in the

               plane doesn’t experience slow                      rocketship, it takes only 7.5 years
               motion or anything else strange                    to reach the star 10 years light
               like that. In fact, the watch on her               distant, using the equations for
               wrist still ticks by as it always has.             time dilation.
               She does not notice anything
               unusual in her reference frame.                    You really don’t need to know this,
                                                                  but if you’re curious, here’s the
               What time dilation really says is                  equation for figuring this out:
               this: suppose there are a set of
               identical twins on Earth. One twin
               gets into a rocketship and travels                  t ' t=           1 v-          2
               at 0.8c to a star 10 light years
               from Earth.

                                                                  t’ is the time for the observer

                                                                  traveling at 0.8c.

                                                                  v is the ratio of the traveling speed
                                                                  over c, so for 0.8c/c this becomes
                                                                  v = 0.8.

                                                                  t = the time for the Earthbound

               A light year is a measure of                       t '=   12    5 . years      1-            ) 8 . 0 (  2
               distance, not time. It’s the distance

               light travels in a year. Light year is
               abbreviated by ‘ly’. So the speed of
                                                                  So t’=7.5 years!
               light is one light year per year.

                                                                  Imagine the same star trip, but
               The twin still on Earth sees the
                                                                  now the ship turns around and
               other reach the star in 12.5 years:
                                                                  returns back to earth. According to
                                                                  the Earthbound twin, the whole trip
               Time = distance divided by speed:
                                                                  takes 25 years. But according to

               Time = 10 ly divided by 0.8 ly per                 the traveling twin, it took only 15
               year to give 12.5 years.                           years. Now we have a set of

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