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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 33

                                      Textbook Reading

                                          Lesson 3: Relativity

               Space and Time                                     equator), then the speed of the
                                                                  light can be added to the speed of
               Most people use common sense                       the earth’s rotation, and the two
               when they interact with their                      speeds will add and can be

               world. They know that if they are                  measured against a beam of light
               traveling 60 mph and an oncoming                   aimed toward the north pole
               car travels also at 60 mph, the                    (where the rotation speed does not
               impact will feel like 120 mph. But                 factor into the light speed). This
               you’ll have to leave all that behind               was a very plausible idea.
               as we step into the world of special
               relativity.                                        This about this: If you are
                                                                  traveling in a car at 60 mph, and
               Problems with Newtonian                            you poke your head out the

               Physics                                            sunroof to toss a ball at 20 mph
                                                                  out of the car, how fast is the ball

               In the late 19th century, a famous                 going?
               experiment by Michelson and
                                                                  Well, it depends. Imagine the car is
               Morely was conducted to detect the
                                                                  passing a gas station right when
               Earth’s motion through the ‘ether’.
                                                                  you throw the ball.
               The ‘ether’ was something the
               scientists thought up to explain
                                                                  If you toss the ball in the same
               how electromagnetic waves
                                                                  direction that the car is traveling
               traveled through space. Initially,
                                                                  in, the ball speed will be seen by
               they did not believe that light could
                                                                  an observer standing at the gas
               travel through a vacuum like
                                                                  station would be 80 mph.
               space. Today, we know that the
               ether does not exist and light really
                                                                  If you toss the ball perpendicular
               does travel through a vacuum.
                                                                  to your line of travel (for instance,
                                                                  directly to the person at the gas
               The experiment went something
                                                                  station), then the ball speed is 60
               like this: if we shine a beam of
                                                                  mph in the forward direction and
               light in the same direction that the
                                                                  20 mph in the sideways direction.
               earth is rotating (along the

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