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P. 284
Unit 8: Chemistry Page 9
Lesson 1: Molecules
By studying tiny bits of matter few molecules which expand
called atoms, you can figure out when changing from a liquid
why chemicals do what they do – to a solid.
some explode when they touch
· Endothermic reactions are
water (like cesium), while other
reactions that absorb heat
just sit there for years (like a
when they react (like a cold
twinkie). Some chemicals are
particularly nasty, like sodium
(which explodes on contact with · Exothermic reactions release
energy in the form of heat,
water) and chlorine (which is
light, and sound (think
lethal). but when you combine
these two together, you get table fireworks).
salt. So what gives? · A physical change happens
when the molecules stay the
If you’ve ever wondered why same, but the volume and/or
two hydrogen stick to an shape change (like wadding
oxygen to form water, then up tissue).
you’re in the right place. Let’s start
· A chemical change
by taking a look at the highlights
rearranges the molecules and
for understanding molecules,
atoms to create new
atoms, and the tiny universe inside
molecule combinations (like a
Highlights: · Acids are sour (like a lemon),
· Atoms are made of a core react with metals, and can
group of neutrons and burn your skin. They register
protons, with an electron between 1 and 7 on the pH
cloud circling the nucleus. scale.
· The jiggling motion in atoms · Bases are bitter (like baking
is called heat. soda), slippery, and can also
burn your skin. They
· Chemicals form various
measure between 7 and 14
crystal structures when they
on the pH scale.
freeze. Water is one of the
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