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Unit 8: Chemistry                                                                      Page 14

               one atom. It is the number of                      A periodic chart has a bunch of

               protons that determines the kind of                boxes. Each box represents one
               atom an atom is, or in other words,                element. In each box, is a ton of
               the kind of element that atom is.                  information about each element. In
               We’ll talk more about elements in a                the upper left hand corner of each
               bit.                                               box is what’s called the atomic
                                                                  number. The atomic number is the
               Here science does us a bit of a                    same as the number of protons in
               favor since it’s relatively easy to                the atom.
               tell how many electrons, protons,
               and neutrons are in an atom. The                   Once you know that, you know the
               number of protons, basically tells                 probable number of electrons and
               you how many neutrons and                          neutrons in that atom! To the right
               electrons are in the atom. If an                   you see how oxygen would look in
               atom has 4 protons, it probably                    a periodic table. The atomic
               has 4 neutrons and 4 electrons. I                  number is eight so you know there

               say probably because in the world                  are eight protons, neutrons and
               of atoms you can never be                          electrons. Isn’t it nice when nature
               completely sure. These guys do                     makes things simple?
               some wacky stuff. Protons and
               electrons are usually equal in an                  We will talk more about this in
               atom. The number of protons and                    future lessons but just to let you
               neutrons are not necessarily equal                 know, protons have a positive
               in some of the larger atoms.                       charge, neutrons have no charge,
                                                                  and electrons have a negative
               So how do you know how many                        charge. Atoms like to be electrically
               protons are in an atom? Look at                    neutral so that’s why the number
               the periodic chart.                                of protons and electrons tend to be
                                                                  equal. Ten positive protons plus

                                                                  ten negative electrons equals zero
                                                                  net electrical charge. A neutral
                                                                  atom. An atom that is not neutral
                                                                  is called an ion.

                                                                  (You can read more about
                                                                  elements and electron shells in
                                                                  Unit 3: Matter.)

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