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Unit 8: Chemistry                                                                      Page 18

                                                                  should definitely try it! Use a 2:1
                                                                  ratio of cornstarch:water.) The
                                                                  long molecular chains (polymers)
                                        When you
                                                                  are all tangled up when you
                                        think of slugs,
                                                                  scrunch them together (and the
                                        snails, and
                                                                  thing feels solid), but the polymers
                                        puppy kisses,
                                                                  are so slick that as soon as you
                                        what texture
                                                                  release the tension, they slide free
                                        do you
                                                                  (and drips between your fingers
                                        imagine? Is it
                                                                  like a liquid).
               sticky, slithery, or slippery? Any
               way you picture it, slime is just
                                                                  Scientists call this a non-Newtonian
               plain icky — and a perfect forum
                                                                  fluid. You can also fill an empty
               for learning about polymers.
                                                                  water bottle or a plastic test tube
                                                                  half-full with this stuff and cap it.
               Imagine a plate of spaghetti. The
                                                                  Notice that when you shake it
               noodles slide around and don’t
                                                                  hard, the slime turns into a solid
               clump together, just like the long
                                                                  and doesn’t slosh around the tube.
               chains of molecules (called
                                                                  When you rotate the tube slowly, it
               polymers) that make up slime.
                                                                  acts like a liquid.
               They slide around without getting
               tangled up. The pasta by itself
                                                                  Reaction Rates
               (fresh from the boiling water)
               doesn’t hold together until you put
                                                                  Chemical kinetics
               the sauce on. Slime works the
                                                                  is the study of the
               same way. Long, spaghetti-like
                                                                  speed that stuff
               chains of molecules (called
                                                                  happens on a
               polymers) don’t clump together
                                                                  molecular level
               until you add the sauce -
                                                                  that controls
               something that cross-links the
                                                                  reaction rate and the products we
               molecule strands (polymer)
                                                                  get out of the reaction. Why do we
                                                                  want to control the speed of a
                                                                  reaction? Think of air pollution. If
                               If you've ever mixed
                                                                  we could control the reaction rate
                               together cornstarch
                                                                  of the ozone depletion, we could
                               and water, you know
                                                                  control the problem better.
                               that you can get it to
               be both a liquid and a solid at the
                                                                  Chemical reactions can happen
               same time. (If you haven't you
                                                                  slowly (think of a boat on the

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