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P. 298

Unit 8: Chemistry                                                                      Page 23

               Have your indicator in a bottle by                 What’s happening with the

               itself. An old soy sauce bottle with               indicator? An indicator is a
               a built-in regulator that keeps the                compound that changes color when
               pouring to a drip is perfect. You                  you dip it in different things, such
               can also use a bowl with a bulb                    as vinegar, alcohol, milk, or baking
               syringe, but cross-contamination                   soda mixed with water. There are
               could be a problem. Or it could not                several extracts you can use from
               be — depending on whether you                      different substances. You’ll find
               want the kids to see the effects of                that different indicators are
               cross-contamination during their                   affected differently by acids and
               experiments. (The indicator bowl                   bases. Some change color only
               will continually turn different colors             with an acid, or only with a base.
               throughout the experiment.)                        Turmeric, for example, is good only

                                                                  for bases. (You can prepare a
               Start mixing it up! When I teach                   turmeric indicator by mixing 1
               this class, I let them have at all the             teaspoon turmeric with 1 cup

               chemicals at once (even the                        rubbing alcohol.)
               indicator), and of course, this leads
               to a chaotic mix of everything.                    Why does red cabbage work?
               When the chaos settles down, and                   Red cabbage juice has
               they start asking good questions, I                anthocyanin, which makes it an
               reveal a second batch of chemicals                 excellent indicator for these
               they can use. (I have two identical                experiments. Anthocyanin is what
               sets of chemicals, knowing that the                gives leaves, stems, fruits, and
               first set will get used up very                    flowers their colors. (Did you know
               quickly.)                                          that certain flowers, such as

                                                                  hydrangeas, are blue in acidic soil
               After the initial burst of                         but turn pink when transplanted to
               enthusiasm, your kids will                         a basic soil?) You’ll need to get the

               instinctively start asking better                  anthocyanin out of the cabbage
               questions. They will want to know                  and into a more useful form so you
               why their green goo is creeping                    can use it as a liquid indicator.
               onto the floor while someone else’s
               just bubbled up hot pink,                          Tip for Testing Chemical
               seemingly mixed from the same                      Reactions: Periodically hold your
               stuff. Give them a chance to figure                hand under the muffin cups to test
               out a more systematic approach,                    the temperature. If it feels hot, it’s
               and ask if they need help before                   an exothermic reaction (giving off
               you jump in to assist.                             energy in the form of heat, light,

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