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P. 297
Unit 8: Chemistry Page 22
• hydrogen peroxide: liquid water bottles as scoopers. The
small scoopers regulate the
• acetic acid (distilled white
amounts you need for a muffin-
vinegar): liquid
sized reaction. Label the powders,
• water: liquid
as they all look the same.
• liquid dish soap (add to water):
liquid Although these chemicals are not
harmful to your skin, they can
• muffin tin or disposable cups
cause your skin to dry out and itch.
• popsicle sticks for stirring and Wear gloves (latex or similar) and
mixing eye protection (safety goggles),
and if you’re not sure about an
• tablecloths (one for the table,
experiment or chemical, just don’t
another for the floor)
do it. (Skip the peroxide and cold
• head of red cabbage (indicator)
pack if you have small kids.)
Cover your kitchen table with a
Prepare the indicator by coarsely
plastic tablecloth (and possibly the
chopping the head of red cabbage
floor). Place your chemicals on the
and boiling the pieces for five
table. A set of muffin cups make
minutes in a pot full of water.
for an excellent chemistry
Carefully strain out all the pieces
experiment lab. (Alternatively, you
with a fine-mesh strainer; the
can use empty plastic ice cube
reserved liquid is your indicator (it
trays.) You will mix in these cups.
should be blue or purple).
Leave enough space in the cups for
your chemicals to mix and bubble When you add this indicator to
up — don’t fill them all the way different substances, you will see a
when you do your experiments! color range: hot pink, tangerine
orange, sunshine yellow, emerald
Set out your liquid chemicals in
green, ocean blue, velvet purple,
easy-to-pour containers, such as
and everything in between. Test
water bottles (be sure to label
out the indicator by adding drops
them, as they all will look the
of cabbage juice to something
same): alcohol, hydrogen peroxide,
acidic, such as lemon juice, and
water, acetic acid, and dish soap
see how different the color is when
(mixed with water). Set out small
you add indicator to a base, such
bowls (or zipper bags if you’re
as baking soda mixed with water.
doing this with a crowd) of the
powders with the tops of your
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