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Unit 8: Chemistry                                                                      Page 24

               explosions …). The chemical-bond                      blueberries, red and green

               energy is converted to thermal                        grapes, beets, cherries, and
               energy (heat) in these                                turmeric. You can make
               experiments. If it feels cold, you’ve                 indicator paper strips using
               made an endothermic reaction                          paper towels or coffee filters.
               (absorbing energy, where the heat                     Just soak the paper in the
               from the mixture converts to bond                     indicator, remove and let dry.
               energy). Sometimes you’ll find that                   When you’re ready to use one,
               your mixture is so cold that it                       dip it in partway so you can see
               condenses the water outside the                       the color change and compare it
               container (like water drops on the                    to the color it started out with.
               outside of an ice-cold glass of
                                                                  ·  Use the indicator both before
               water on a hot day).
                                                                     and after you mix up chemicals.
                                                                     You will be surprised and
               Variations for the Indicator:
                                                                     dazzled by the results!
               Red cabbage isn’t the only game in
               town. You can make an indicator
                                                                  Teaching Tips: You can make this
               out of many other substances, too.
                                                                  lab more advanced by adding a
               Here’s how to prepare different
                                                                  postage scale (to measure the
                                                                  solids in exact measurements),
                                                                  small beakers and pipettes for the
               ·  Cut the substance into smaller
                                                                  liquid measurements, and data
                   pieces. Boil the chopped
                                                                  sheets to record temperature,
                   substance for five minutes.
                                                                  reactivity, and acid/base indicator
                   Strain out the pieces and
                                                                  levels. (Hint: Make the data sheet
                   reserve the juice. Cap the juice
                                                                  like a matrix, to be sure you get all
                   (indicator) in a water bottle, and
                                                                  the possible combinations.)
                   you’re ready to go.

               ·  What different substances can
                   you use? We’ve had the best
                   luck with red cabbage,

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