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Unit 8: Chemistry                                                                      Page 21

                  Activities, Experiments, Projects

                                          Lesson 1: Molecules

                  Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.

                                                                  cold) or produces heat (gets
               Experiment: Chemical
                                                                  warm), it’s a chemical change.

               If you love the idea of mixing up                  What about physical changes?

               chemicals and dream of having                      Some examples of physical
               your own mad science lab one day,                  changes include tearing cloth,
               this one is for you. You are going                 rolling dough, stretching rubber
               to mix up each solid with each                     bands, eating a banana, or blowing
               liquid in a chemical matrix.                       bubbles.

               In a university class, one of the                  Your solutions will turn red,
               first things you learn in chemistry                orange, yellow, green, blue,
               is the difference between physical                 purple, hot, cold, bubbling,
               and chemical changes. An example                   foaming, rock hard, oozy, and
               of a physical change happens when                  slimy, and they’ll crystallize and gel
               you change the shape of an object,                 — depending on what you put in
               like wadding up a piece of paper.                  and how much!

               If you light the paper wad on fire,                Materials:
               you now have a chemical change.                    • sodium tetraborate (borax,
               You are rearranging the atoms that                 laundry aisle): solid

               used to be the molecules that                      • sodium bicarbonate (baking soda,
               made up the paper into other                       baking aisle): solid
               molecules, such as carbon
                                                                  • sodium carbonate (washing soda,
               monoxide, carbon dioxide, ash,
                                                                  laundry aisle): solid
               and so forth.
                                                                  • calcium chloride: solid
               How can you tell if you have a
                                                                  • citric acid (spice section): solid
               chemical change? If something
                                                                  • ammonium nitrate (single-use
               changes color, gives off light (such
               as the light sticks used around                    disposable cold pack): solid
               Halloween), or absorbs heat (gets                  • isopropyl rubbing alcohol: liquid

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