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Unit 8: Chemistry                                                                      Page 15

               Different States of Matter                         Bose-Einstein condensate. I’m just

                                                                  going to spend a little bit of time
               Now, that you’ve spent some                        talking about these last two states
               quality time with atoms and that                   of matter since they are both
               wacky electron fellow you have a                   pretty uncommon on Earth.
               bit of an understanding of what is
               inside everything. The next thing                  Plasma
               you need to know is...what’s
               everything?                                        Believe it or not, plasma makes up
                                                                  a very large percentage of the
                                        Everything is             matter in the universe. Are you
                                        matter. Well,             wondering how come you’ve never
                                        except for                heard of it before? (By the way,
                                        energy, but               blood plasma is different from this
                                        that’s                    stuff, and a good thing too!)
                                        everything else           Plasma doesn’t have a definite

                                        (and we’ll get            shape or volume.
               to that later). Everything you can
               touch and feel is matter. It is made               Well, there is very little of it on
               up of solid (kind of) atoms that                   Earth and the plasma that is here
               combine and form in different ways                 is very short lived or stuck in a
               to create light poles, swimming                    tube. Plasma is basically ionized
               pools, poodles, jello and even the                 gas or in other words it is gas that
               smell coming from your pizza.                      is electrically charged. The stuff in
                                                                  florescent light bulbs is plasma.
               Traditionally, there have been                     Plasma TV’s have plasma (go
               three states of matter. State of                   figure) inside of them. Lightning
               matter means the way the atoms                     and sparks are actually plasma!
               tend to hang out together. Not to                  Would you like to see some plasma

               be confused with a state like Utah,                right now? Then try the Plasma
               Wyoming, or confusion. The three                   Grape Experiment in Unit 3!
               states are solids, liquids and gases.
               However, leave it up to a science                  Bose-Einstein Condensate
               teacher to tell you that that’s not
               the whole story.                                   Now let’s talk a bit about the Bose-
                                                                  Einstein condensate or the BEC if
               There are two more states of                       you want to be hip. Each form of
               matter. They are plasma and (are                   matter corresponds with a level of
               you ready for this next one?) the                  energy. Plasma is the highest

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