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P. 285
Unit 8: Chemistry Page 10
Lesson 2: Chemical Kinetics
By figuring out how to change (electrolysis) to break the
the speed a reaction takes place bonds.
as well as what gets created in the
· Thin layers of metal can be
process, you can get a better
moved from one object to
handle at creating the things you
another using the
electroplating technique.
We’re going to learn why fish · Chemists want to control the
don’t drown, create glowing slime, speed of a reaction as well as
turn water into ink you can really what gets generated from
write with, make a solution that the process (the products of
appears by breathing on it, how to the reaction).
create rubber-like bouncy balls out · Several factors affect the
of clear liquid, shake up a rainbow speed of a chemical reaction,
of colors, learn how to get a lemon including catalysts, surface
to light up a light bulb, and area, temperature, and
discover what fire really is made concentration.
· Polymers are long chains of
It all comes down to controlling slippery molecules.
the reaction and figuring out what Coagulation happens when
you want to get out of the process. you cross-linking the chains
into a fishnet-looking design.
Are you ready?
· Different indicators are used
for specific ranges of acids
and bases. Phenolphthalein
changes from clear to pink
when added to a base.
· Splitting the water molecule
into parts (hydrogen and
oxygen) requires power
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