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P. 309

Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 4

                   glass). Pick one of these to get               Lasers
                   as an extra, or get all 4: 50mm,
                   150mm, 300mm, 500mm)                           ·  Red laser pointer (NOT GREEN!)
                   …OR… instead of buying lenses,                 ·  Small mirrors (mosaic mirrors
                   simply use eyeglasses and                         are cheapest)
                   magnifiers that you already
                   have around the house.                         ·  3 large paper clips
                                                                  ·  3 brass fasteners
               ·  Optional: if you want to make
                   the Newtonian telescope, then                  ·  5 index cards
                   pick up a concave mirror AND a
                                                                  ·  2 pins
                   small mirror (like a mosiac
                   mirror from the craft store, or                ·  2 razor blades
                   mirror from a compact).                        ·  4 clothespins
               ·  Diffraction grating (you can use                ·  Scissors, tape
                   an old CD in a pinch)
                                                                  ·  White wall (or white paper stuck
               ·  Sheet of mylar (5” x 8” or                         to the wall)
                   larger) and cardboard OR use
                   three rectangular mirrors                      ·  PLUS materials from Light
                   approx. 8” x 1”                                   Waves 1 & 2

               ·  Scissors, tape

               ·  Optional: wooden clothespins                    For Grades 9-12:
                   (about 4)
                                                                  Laser Light Show
               ·  Optional: red, green, and blue
                   colored light sticks (Make sure                ·  Red laser pointer (RS #63-
                   the light inside the red stick                    1064)
                   really glows RED, not the usual                ·  2 3VDC motors (RS #273-223)
                   green liquid enclosed in a red-
                   colored tube.)                                 ·  2 gears** or corks (you’ll need
                                                                     a solid way to attach the mirror
               ·  For the last few items on this
                                                                     to the motor shaft tip)
                   list, you can select from either
                   group:                                         ·  2 1” round mirrors (use mosaic
                       Group A: Three flashlights,
                       three colors of nail polish                ·  2 DPDT switches with center off
                       (red, green, and blue), clear                 (RS #275-1533)
                       tape (or plastic wrap) OR…                 ·  20 alligator clip leads (RS #278-

                       Group B: Three ‘party bulb’                   1157) OR insulated wire if you
                       lights (green, blue, and red                  already know how to solder
                       colored incandescent light                 ·  2 AA battery packs with 4 AA’s
                       bulbs) in clip-on lamps.
                                                                     (RS #270-408)

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