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P. 314
Unit 9: Light Page 9
Lesson 1: Light Waves
We’re going to take a deep look at not the same as sound
the nature of light and its behavior waves.
during different types of
· Light you can see (visible
experiments to try to figure out its
light like a rainbow) makes
up only a tiny bit of the
entire electromagnetic
Light can travel through the
vacuum of space as well as solid
substances like glass. · Light has wavelength
(frequency, or color),
Energy exists as either matter or intensity (brightness),
electromagnetic radiation. polarization (direction), and
phase (time shift).
Scientist are still trying to make
· The three primary colors of
heads or tails of this thing called
light are red, blue, and
light, and near as they can tell, it
green. Red and green light
sometimes interacts like a particle
mixed together make yellow
(like a marble) and other like a
wave (like on the ocean), and you
really can’t separate the two · Prisms unmix light into its
because they actually complement colors (wavelengths).
each other. · Light changes speeds when it
passes through a different
Highlights for this lesson:
material (like water, glass, or
· Light can travel through a fog).
vacuum, like space. · Lenses work to bend light in
· Light can change speeds, but a certain direction
the maximum speed is (refraction).
through a vacuum (186,000
· Concave lenses work to make
miles per second). objects smaller (door peep
· Low frequency hole), convex lenses make
electromagnetic waves are them larger (magnifying
called radio waves, which are lenses).
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