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Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 12

               In our own atmosphere, light                       Are radio waves sound

               travels slower than it does in                     waves?
                                                                                 Radio waves are not
               How do I study light?                                             the same thing as
                                                                                 sound waves.  Radio
               Most light we can’t see with our
                                                                                 waves are low-energy
               eyes, and that makes it hard to
                                                                                 light waves. Think
                                                                                 about this: you can’t
                                                                  hear the stuff coming off a radio
               If you place your hand above
                                                                  station antenna – you need a way
               (carefully!) a burner on an electric
                                                                  to transform the light waves into
               stove as it heats up, you can
                                                                  sound waves (which is exactly
               detect the light coming from the
                                                                  what your radio does). The sounds
               stove long before it starts to glow
                                                                  from a scream are vibrating air
               red. You are detecting the infrared
                                                                  molecules, while radio waves are
               light using your skin.
                                                                  actually light beams moving much,
                                                                  much faster.
               After a day at the beach, your
               sunburn is the result of absorbing
                                                                  How does a microwave
               UV light.
               How do I detect light?
                                                                                      Your microwave
               Your eyeballs are photon detectors.                                    heats your dinner
               These photons move at the speed                                        by aiming very
               of light and can have all different                                    specific light

               wavelengths, which correspond to                   beams at your food.  The light
               the colors we see. Red light has a                 beams excite the water molecule
               longer wavelength (lower energy                    (which is present is nearly all
               and lower frequency) that blue                     foods), and this energy makes the
               light.                                             water molecules jiggling around
                                                                  faster (called heat). The energy
               If you have a low-energy photon,                   from the light gets pumped into
               you might perceive it as a radio                   your food. Which is why you never
               wave by turning on your radio in                   want to run a microwave without
               the car and ‘seeing’ what signals                  food inside, as it will ‘cook itself’
               you can pick up.                                   and blow up.

               © 2010 Supercharged Science                            

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