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P. 320

Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 15

               Light comes in packets called                      Usually, the amount of energy a

               photons. This idea seems a bit                     photon has determines whether it’s
               strange, because most of your                      a particle or a wave. Lower energy
               everyday experience with light is                  photons (like radio and microwave)
               when it acts like a wave.                          travel like waves, and higher
                                                                  energy gamma rays interact like
               If you try to detect light, it behaves             particles.
               like particles (by the photoelectric
               experiment, the Compton effect, or                 In most cases, light behaves like a
               even on your video camera pixels).                 wave – a disturbance moving
                                                                  energy from one spot to another.
               If you don’t try to detect light, it               You can measure its wavelength
               acts like a wave and has wave                      (the distance between two peaks)
               interference patterns. You’re on                   and frequency (the number of
               the larger scale when you don’t try                peaks passing a point each
               to detect the individual packets of                second). I’ll show you how to do
               light, so you don’t notice that light              this with the experiments in this
               is quantized.                                      unit.

               It would be like trying to go the                  When we think of light as tiny
               store and buying 2 tablespoons of                  packets (‘quanta’ of energy) called
               eggs. They just don’t come                         photons, then we’re talking about
               packaged that way. There’s a                       light acting like a particle.  Photons
               minimum set package for the                        carry no mass, but a fixed amount

               amount egg you need in a recipe.                   of energy. The energy depends on
               That’s like trying to detect a                     the wavelength. For example, blue
               photon.                                            light (shorter-wavelength photons)
                                                                  has more energy than red light
               However, if you’re making 2 million
                                                                  (longer-wavelength photons).
               cookies, you’d order eggs by the
               truckload and no longer worry                      Einstein received a Nobel Prize for
               about if you had exactly the right                 figuring out what happens when
               amount down to the single egg –                    you shine blue light on a sheet of
               you’d say “give me 25 pounds of                    metal.  When he aimed a blue light
               eggs” or something similar. That’s                 on a metal plate, electrons shot off
               when light acts like a wave – it’s                 the surface. (Metals have electrons

               more of a continuous effect.                       which are free to move around,
                                                                  which is why metals are electrically

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