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P. 323

Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 18

               Note that the “rainbow of colors”                  Imagine you’re a painter.  What
               that make up our entire visible                    three colors do you need to make
               world only make up a small part of                 up any color in the universe?  (You
               all the light zooming around the                   should be thinking: red, yellow,
               countryside.  So where do different                and blue.)
               colors come from?
                                                                  Here’s a trick question - can you
               When you change the wavelength,                    make the color “yellow” with only
               you change the color of the light. If              red, green, and blue as your color
               you pass a beam white light                        palette?  If you're a scientist, it's
               through a glass filled with water                  not a problem.  But if you're an
               that’s been dyed red, you’ve now                   artist, you're in trouble already.

               got red light coming out the other
               side.  The glass of red water is                   The key is that we would be mixing
               your filter.  But what happens                     light, not paint.  Mixing the three
               when you try to mix the different                  primary colors of light gives white
               colors together?                                   light.  If you took three light bulbs
                                                                  (red, green, and blue) and shined
                                                                  them on the ceiling, you'd see

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