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P. 326

Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 21

               moment in time is the same, the                    You’ll notice that the pencil doesn’t

               clock on the wall tells you the                    always appear broken.  Depending
               phase shift is three hours.                        on where your eyeballs are, you
                                                                  can see an intact or broken pencil.
               Depending on the phases of light,
                                                                  This is a very point about
               they will interact in different
                                                                  refraction: when light enters a new
                                                                  substance (like going from air to
               What’s Refraction?                                 water) perpendicular to the surface
                                                                  (looking straight on), refractions
               When light hits a different                        does not occur.
               substance (like a window pane),

               the wavelength changes, but the                    However, if you look at the glass at
               frequency stays the same.  In                      an angle, then depending on your
               order for this to happen, the speed                sight angle, you’ll see a different
               of light must also change. (Sound                  amount of shift in the pencil.
               does this, too!)                                   Where do you need to look to see
                                                                  the greatest shift in the two halves
               In some cases, the change of                       of the pencil? (Hint: move the
               wavelength turns into a change in                  pencil back and forth slowly.)
               the direction of the beam.
                                                                  There is another important idea
               For example, if                                    about refraction we need to figure
               you stick a                                        out: depending on if the light is
               pencil is a                                        going from a lighter to an optically
               glass of water                                     denser material (or vice versa), it
               and look                                           will bend different amounts.   Glass
               through the                                        is optically denser than water,
               side of the                                        which is denser than air.  Here’s a

               glass, you’ll                                      chart:
               notice that the
               pencil appears                                     Vacuum               1.0000
               shifted. The                                       Air                  1.0003
               speed of light is slower in the water              Ice                  1.3100
               (140,000 miles per second) than in                 Water                1.3333
               the air (186,000 miles per second),                Ethyl Alcohol        1.3600
               called optical density, and the                    Pyrex                1.4740
               result is bent light beams and                     Karo Syrup           1.4740
               broken pencils.                                    Vegetable Oil        1.4740

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