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P. 331

Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 26

               at the right spot to see the entire                wall. (Hint – if this doesn’t work,

               arc touch the ground at both ends,                 try using a square clear container.)
               either.                                            Stick a piece of paper on the wall
                                                                  where your light beam is and
               Lenses work to bend light the way                  outline the beam with a pencil.

               you want them to. The simplest
               lenses are actually prisms.  Prisms                5. Shine the light at an angle up
               unmix light into its different                     through the water so that it
               wavelengths. When light hits the                   bounces off the surface of the
               prism, most of it passes through (a                water from underneath. Trace your
               bit does reflect back) and changes                 new outline and compare… are
               speed.  Since the sunlight is made                 they both the same shape?
               up of many different wavelengths
               (colors), each color gets bent by                  6. Add a teaspoon of milk and stir
               different amounts, and you see a                   gently. (No milk? Try sprinkling in
               rainbow out the other side.                        a bit of white flour.) Now shine
                                                                  your flashlight through the
               1. Toss one coin into a water glass                container as you did in steps 4 and
               (pickle jars work great) and fill                  5 and notice how the beam looks.
               with an inch of water. Hold the

               glass up and find where you need                   7. Use a round container instead of
               to look to see TWO coins. Are the                  square… what’s the difference?
               coins both the same size? Which
               one is the original coin? (Answer at
                                                                  1. The smaller coin is the
               the bottom of this page.)

               2. Look through the top of the                     2. One coin when glanced from
               glass – how many coins are there                   above, two from the side.
               now? What about when you look                      3. Four.
               from the side?                                     4. Beam is a circle.
                                                                  5. Beam is an oval.
               3. Toss in a second coin – now how                 6. I can see the beam through the
               many are there?                                    water!!
                                                                  7. The round container distorts the
               4. Remove the coins turn out the                   beam, and the square container
               lights. Shine a flashlight beam                    keeps the light beam straight. Both
               through the glass onto a nearby                    are fun!

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