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P. 330

Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 25

               3. Tape a piece of tracing paper                   The pencil isn’t really broken, but it

               over the cutout side, keeping it                   sure looks like it!  What’s going on?
               taut and smooth.
                                                                                          When a beam
               4. Make a pinhole in the box side
                                                                                          of light hits a
               opposite of the tracing paper.
               5. Point the pinhole at a window                                           substance (like
               and move toward or away from the                                           the water), the

               window until you see its image in                                          wavelength
               clear focus on the tracing paper.                                          changes
                                                                  because the speed of the light
               OPTIONAL: You can hold up a
                                                                  changes. If you’re thinking that the
               magnifying glass in front of the                   speed of light is always constant,
               pinhole to sharpen the image.                      you’re right… in a vacuum like
                                                                  outer space between two reference
               Experiment: Light Tricks

               When light rays strikes a surface,                 But here on Earth, we can change
               part of the beam passes through                    the speed of light just by shining a
               the surface and the rest reflects
                                                                  light beam through different
               back, like a ball bouncing on the
                                                                  materials, like water, ice, blue
               ground. Where it bounces depends                   sunglasses, smoke, fog, even our
               on how you throw the ball.                         own atmosphere. How much the

                                                                  light speed slows down depends on
               Have you ever looked into a pool of
                                                                  what the material is made of.
               clear, still water and seen your own
                                                                  Mineral oil and window glass will
               face? The surface of the water acts
                                                                  slow light down more than water,
               like a mirror and you can see your
                                                                  but not as much as diamonds do.
               reflection. (In fact, before mirrors
               were invented, this was the only
                                                                  How broken the pencil appears also
               way people had to look at
                                                                  depends on where you look.  In
               themselves.) If you were
                                                                  some cases, you’ll see a perfectly
               swimming below the surface, you’d                  intact pencil.  Other times, you’ll
               still see your own face – the mirror
                                                                  guess neither piece is touching.
               effect works both ways.                            This is why not everyone can see a

                                                                  rainbow after it rains.  The sun
               Have you ever broken a pencil by
                                                                  must be at a low angle in the sky,
               sticking it into a glass of water?
                                                                  and also behind you for a rainbow
                                                                  to appear.  Most times, you aren’t

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