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Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 27

                  Activities, Experiments, Projects

                                             Lesson 2: Lasers

                  Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.

                                                                  pass-through beam as well as a
               Experiment: Laser Basics
                                                                  reflected beam? Windows and clear
                                                                  plastic containers will split your
               Before we start building our laser
                                                                  beam in two.
               projects, just play with it first. Turn
               off the lights at night and take your              What’s going on? When you shine

               laser on a hunt around the house
                                                                  your laser beam through glass (like
               to see what happens when you
                                                                  a window) or plastic (like a soda
               shine it on or through different
                                                                  bottle filled with water and a tiny
               things. Here are some ideas to try:
                                                                  bit of cornstarch), it splits into two
                                                                  beams – one that passes through,
               1. Shatter the Beam: Shine your
                                                                  and the other that internally
               beam over the surface of an old
                                                                  reflects back. You can see these
               CD. Does it work better with a
                                                                  reflections in a darkened fog-filled
               scratched or smoother surface?
               You should see between 5-13
               reflections off the surface of the
                                                                  4. Colored Filters: Paint a piece
               CD, depending on where you shine
                                                                  of cellophane or stiff clear plastic
               it and how well the “seeing”
                                                                  with nail polish (or use colored
               conditions are.
                                                                  filers) to put in the laser beam.
               2. Beam Scatter: Pass the laser
                                                                  5. Diffraction Grating: You can
               beam through several cut-crystal
                                                                  make a quick diffraction grating by
               objects such as wine glasses or
                                                                  using a feather in the beam.
               clear glass vases. Is there a
               difference between clear plastic or                6. Polarization: If you have
               glass, smooth or multi-faceted? Try                polarizer filters, use two. You can
               an ice cube, both frosted and wet                  substitute two pairs of sunglasses.
               (clear).                                           Just make sure they are polarized
                                                                  lenses (most UV sunglasses are).
               3. Split the Beam: Shine the laser                 Place both lenses in the beam and
               beam through a flat piece of glass,
                                                                  rotate one 90 degrees. The lenses
               such as a window. Can you find the

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