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P. 329
Unit 9: Light Page 24
Activities, Experiments, Projects
Lesson 1: Light Waves
Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.
Experiment: Pinhole
This is the simplest form of camera biggest problem with this camera is
– no film, no batteries, and no that the inlet hole is so tiny that it
moving parts that can break. The lets in such a small amount of light
biggest problem with this camera is and makes a faint image. If you
that the inlet hole is so tiny that it make the hole larger, you get a
lets in such a small amount of light brighter image, but it’s much less
and makes a faint image. If you focused. The more light rays
make the hole larger, you get a coming through, the more they
brighter image, but it’s much less spread out the image out more and
focused. The more light rays create a fuzzier picture. You’ll need
coming through, the more they to play with the size of the hole to
spread out the image out more and get the best image.
create a fuzzier picture. You’ll need
to play with the size of the hole to While you can go crazy and take
get the best image. actual photos with this camera by
sticking on a piece of undeveloped
While you can go crazy and take black and white film (use a
actual photos with this camera by moderately fast ASA rating), I
sticking on a piece of undeveloped recommend using tracing paper
black and white film (use a and a set of eyeballs to view your
moderately fast ASA rating), I images.
recommend using tracing paper
and a set of eyeballs to view your 1. Use a cardboard box that is
images. Here’s what you need to light-proof (no leaks of light
do: anywhere).
2. Seal light leaks with tape if you
This is the simplest form of camera
have to. Cut off one side of the box
– no film, no batteries, and no
(Note – there’s no need to do this
moving parts that can break. The
if you’re using a shoebox).
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