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Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 28

               should block the light completely in               Did you know that the word LASER

               one configuration and allow it to                  stands for Light Amplification by
               pass-through the other way.                        Stimulated Emission of Radiation?
                                                                  And that a MASER is a laser beam
                                                                  with wavelengths in the microwave

                                                                  part of the spectrum? Most lasers
               Why does this happen? Polarization
                                                                  fire a monochromatic (one color)
               is a way of filtering light. Try this:
                                                                  narrow, focused beam of light, but
               in a shallow pan filled with water,
                                                                  more complex lasers emit a broad
               make a few waves and notice how
                                                                  range of wavelengths at the same
               they travel from one side of the
               pan to the other. Now add a plastic
               comb, and notice how the waves                     In 1917, Einstein figured out the
               stop when they hit the comb – not                  basic principles for the LASER and
               many pass through to the other                     MASER by building on Max Planck’s
               side (watch out for the waves that                 work on light. It wasn’t until 1960,
               creep around the edges – we’re                     though when the first laser actually
               focusing on the pass-through                       emitted light at Hughes Research
               waves only). The comb are the                      Lab. Today, there are several
               sunglasses, and the water waves                    different kinds of lasers, including

               are the light waves.                               gas lasers, chemical lasers,
                                                                  semiconductor lasers, and solid
               Add a second comb at 90 degrees
                                                                  state lasers. One of the most
               from the first (as you did with the
                                                                  powerful lasers ever conceived are
               sunglasses) so it resembles a mesh
                                                                  gamma ray lasers (which can
               screen, and notice now how NONE
                                                                  replace hundreds of lasers with
               of the waves make it through the
                                                                  only one) and the space-based x-
               comb array. Polarization can filter
                                                                  ray lasers (which use the energy
               out various amounts of light,
                                                                  from a nuclear explosion) – neither
               depending on the angle the combs
                                                                  of these have been built yet!
               make with each other (90 degrees
               apart equals total block-out).

               7. Light Bulbs: In the dark, aim
               your laser at a frosted
               incandescent light bulb. The bulb

               will glow and have several internal
               reflections! What other types of
               light bulbs work well?

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