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Unit 9: Light                                                                          Page 22

               Plexiglas             1.5100                       By contrast, light from a regular

               Diamond               2.4170                       incandescent light bulb covers the
                                                                  entire spectrum as well as scatters
               This means if you place a Pyrex                    all over the room. (Which is good,
               container inside a beaker of                       because could you light up a room

               vegetable oil or Karo syrup, it will               with a narrow beam of light?)
               disappear (this also works for some
               mineral oils). Note however that
               the optical densities of liquids vary
               with temperature and
               concentration, and manufacturers
               are not perfectly consistent when
               they whip up a batch of this stuff,
               so some adjustments are needed.

                                        Not only can
                                        you change the
                                        shape of
                                        objects by
                                                                  A laser is a high-energy, highly-
                                        bending light
                                                                  focused beam of light.
                                        (broken or
                                        whole), but               How Does a Laser Work?
                                        you can also
               change the size. Magnifying lenses,                Think of small kids on sugar. When
                                                                  you add energy to these atoms
               telescopes, and microscopes use
                                                                  (giving sugar to the kids), they
               this idea to make objects appear
                                                                  really get excited and bounce all
               different sizes.
                                                                  over the place. When the atoms
               Lasers                                             relax back down to their “normal”
                                                                  state, they emit a photon (a light
               The word "LASER" stands for Light
                                                                  particle).  Think of the kids as they
               Amplification by Stimulated
                                                                  are coming down from their sugar
               Emission of Radiation.   A laser is
                                                                  high, all collapsed on the couch, a
               an optical light source that emits a
                                                                  lot less energetic than they were a
               concentrated beam of visible light.
                                                                  minute ago.
               Lasers are usually monochromatic
               – the light that shoots out is                     A laser controls the way energized
               usually one wavelength and color,                  atoms release photons. Imagine
               and is in a narrow beam.                           giving only half of the kids sugar

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