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P. 341
Unit 10: Electricity Page 3
Materials for Experiments
How many of these items do you already have? We’ve tried to keep it
simple for you by making the majority of the items things most people have
within reach (both physically and budget-wise), and even have broken down
the materials by experiment category so you can decide if those are ones
you want to do.
NOTE: This material list is for the entire Experiment section online.
Basic Electricity
Electric Circuits & Burglar
Regular sized latex balloon Alarms
1 sheet of tissue paper 2 wire coat-hangers (not insulated)
Fluorescent bulb (borrow the long 1 sheet of tissue paper
‘tube’ kind from your house, or get
3 shiny copper pennies
a burnt out one from the recycling)
25 large popsicle sticks (tongue
Plastic grocery bag
depressor size)
Wool sweater, socks, or mittens to
Brass (use brass fasteners, wood
screws or keys)
Wire coat-hanger (not insulated)
Iron (find two uncoated nails if you
Packing peanuts (about 20) can)
Yard stick (AKA meter stick) Silver (‘real’ silverware)
Soup spoon (bigger is better) Zinc (find two galvanized nails)
2 tablespoons dill Graphite (from a mechanical
Vegetable oil (or mineral oil) pencil)
Lid from a jar (jam, pickle, mayo…) Baking soda (2 tablespoons)
Bubble solution (store-bought, or Film canister (or other small
use our recipe: container with lid)
(12 c cold water + 1 c clear
2 pcs cardboard (or 6”x 4”x 2”
Ivory dish soap)
wood scrap)
4’ length aluminum foil (used for
several experiments)
© 2010 Supercharged Science