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P. 343

Unit 10: Electricity                                                                   Page 5

               **If you have trouble finding these                Wire strippers

               parts (ones with ** next to them)
                                                                  Pliers, scissors
               just send us an email.
                                                                  Soldering iron, solder, stand

               For Grades 9-12:
                                                                  Superfast Bug Bot
               You'll need the parts from the lists above
                                                                  1 large paper clip
               and these items:
                                                                  1 round bead that fits onto the

                                                                  large paperclip
               Digital Multimeter - You'll need one
                                                                  2 small paperclips
               of these for the rest of your

               projects. Find one in your price                   Soda can (empty and clean)
               range from Radio Shack.                            AA battery holder with AA's

                                                                  2 momentary switches (RS #275-
               Air Battery
                                                                  2 hobby motors with gear (RS#
               Paper towel
               Activated charcoal (from a fish
                                                                  2 3/16" female spade connectors
                                                                  (RS # 64-3132)
               Aluminum foil
                                                                  Heat shrink tubing (RS# 278-

                                                                  Optional: slide switch (RS #275-
               Alien Detector
               LED (any regular LED works fine)
                                                                  Insulated wire (you can also use
               MPF 102 from Radio Shack (RS                       the wire from your battery holder,
               #276-2062) – buy 2, because                        as you'll snip most of it off
               these are the first things to burn                 anyway)
               out in your circuit

               9V battery clip and a 9V battery
               (RS #270-325) – you should have
               a spare from the Laser                             Wire strippers
               Communicator project in Unit 9                     Pliers, scissors
               you can use
                                                                  Soldering iron, solder, stand

               © 2010 Supercharged Science                            

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