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Unit 10: Electricity Page 10
Lesson 1: Circuits and Components
What IS electricity, anyway? · Objects that are electrically
You can't see it, but you can charged can create a
certainly detect its effects. temporary charge on another
Blenders, washing machines, object.
vacuum cleaners, airplanes - all of
· The triboelectric series is a
these use electricity. While you
list that ranks different
don't need to understand electricity
materials according to how
to turn on a light, you do need to
they lose or gain electrons.
cover the basics in order to make
the burglar alarms, remote · LED stands for “Light
controls, and robot projects in this Emitting Diode”. Diodes are
one-way streets for
unit! I'll show you how to convert
electricity – they allow
your kitchen table into a real
electrons to flow one way but
Electric Lab. Are you ready?
not the other.
Highlights: · When electric current passes
through a material, it does it
· The proton has a positive
by electrical conduction.
charge, the neutron has no
charge (neutron, neutral get · There are different kinds of
it?) and the electron has a conduction, such as metallic
negative charge. conduction, where electrons
flow through a conductor
· These charges repel and
(like metal) and electrolysis,
attract one another kind of
like magnets repel or attract. where charged atoms (called
Like charges repel (push ions) flow through liquids.
away) one another and · Metals are conductors not
unlike charges attract one because electricity passes
another. through them, but because
· Generally things are neutrally they contain electrons that
can move.
charged. They aren’t very
positive or negative, rather
have a balance of both.
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