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Unit 10: Electricity                                                                   Page 13

               Depending on the type of atom                      electrons, and now has a negative

               they are a part of, they are quite                 charge.  Try the following
               willing to jump ship and go                        experiment to create a temporary
               somewhere else. The way to get                     charge on a wall: bring the balloon
               them to jump ship is to rub things                 close to the wall until it sticks.
               together. Let’s play with this a bit
               and see if we can make it more                     Opposite charges attract right? So,
               clear.                                             is the entire wall now an opposite
                                                                  charge from the balloon? No. In
               Temporary Charge                                   fact, the wall is not charged at all.
                                                                  It is neutral. So why did the
               We’ve already talked about this                    balloon stick to it?
               temporary charge thing, where
               objects that are electrically                      The balloon is negatively charged.
               charged can create a temporary                     It created a temporary positive
               charge on another object. Let’s                    charge when it got close to the

               take some time to look at that                     wall. As the balloon gets closer to
               now.                                               the wall, it repels the electrons in
                                                                  the wall. The negatively charged
               Remember, in static electricity,                   electrons in the wall are repelled

               electrons are negatively charged                   from the negatively charged
               and they can move from one object                  electrons in the balloon.
               to another. This movement of
               electrons can create a positive                    Since the electrons are repelled,
               charge (if something has too few                   what is left behind? Positive
               electrons) or a negative charge (if                charges. The section of wall that
               something has too many                             has had its electrons repelled is
               electrons). It turns out that                      now left positively charged. The
               electrons will also move around                    negatively charged balloon will now

               inside an object without necessarily               “stick” to the positively charged
               leaving the object. When this                      wall. The wall is temporarily
               happens the object is said to have                 charged because once you move
               a temporary charge.                                the balloon away, the electrons will
                                                                  go back to where they were and
                                 Blow up a balloon. If            there will no longer be a charge on
                                 you rub a balloon on             that part of the wall.
                                 your head, the
                                 balloon is now filled            This is why plastic wrap, styrofoam
                                 up with extra                    packing popcorn, and socks right

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