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Unit 10: Electricity                                                                   Page 12

                                      Textbook Reading

               Electrons are strange and unusual                  repel or attract. Like charges repel
               little fellows. Strange things                     (push away) one another and

               happen when too many or too few                    unlike charges attract one another.
               of the little fellows get together.
               Some things may be attracted to                    So if two items that are both
               other things or some things may                    negatively charged get close to one
               push other things away.                            another, the two items will try to
                                                                  get away from one another. If two
               Occasionally you may                               items are both positively charged,
               see a spark of light and                           they will try to get away from one
               sound. The light and                               another. If one item is positive and
               sound may be quite                                 the other negative, they will try to
               small or may be as                                 come together.
               large as a bolt of
               lightning. When electrons gather,                  How do things get
               strange things happen. Those                       charged?
               strange things are static electricity.

                                                                  Generally things are neutrally
               Now that you’ve spent a few                        charged. They aren’t very positive
               lessons learning about the strange                 or negative. However, occasionally
               world of the atom (Unit 3 & Unit                   (or on purpose as we’ll see later)

               8), it’s time to play with them.                   things can gain a charge.

               Electrical Charges                                 Things get charged when electrons

                                                                  move. Electrons are negatively
                                 Different parts of the           charged particles. So if an object
                                 atom have different              has more electrons than it usually
                                 electrical charges.              does, that object would have a
                                 The proton has a                 negative charge.
               positive charge, the neutron has no
               charge (neutron, neutral get it?)                  If an object has less electrons than
               and the electron has a negative                    protons (positive charges), it would
               charge.                                            have a positive charge. How do

                                                                  electrons move? It turns out that
               These charges repel and attract                    electrons can be kind of loosey
               one another kind of like magnets                   goosey.

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