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Unit 10: Electricity                                                                   Page 14

               out of the dryer stick to things. All              such as amber, rubber balloons,

               those things have charges and can                  copper, brass, gold, cellophane
               create temporary charges on                        tape, Teflon, and silicone rubber.
               things they get close to.
                                                                  When you rub a glass rod with silk,

               Charge It Up                                       the glass takes on a positive
                                                                  charge and the silk holds the
               Is there a                                         negative charge.  When you rub
               difference                                         your head with a balloon, the hair
               between the zap                                    takes on a positive charge and the
               you get from                                       balloon takes on a negative charge.
               scuffing your
               socks on the carpet and a bolt of                  When you scuff along the carpet,
               lightning?                                         you build up a static charge (of
                                                                  electrons).  Your socks insulate you
               Yes! There is one difference, and it               from the ground, and the electrons
               is quantity.  When you scuff along                 can’t cross your sock-barrier and
               the carpet, you're gathering up                    zip back into the ground.  When
               electrons from the floor.  When you                you touch someone (or something
               touch someone, the electrons jump                  grounded, like a metal faucet), the

               right over, zapping the both of you.               electrons jump from you and
               Lightning does the same thing, just                complete the circuit, sending the
               with a lot more power.                             electrons from you to them (or it).

               So how do you know what charge                     Hot Electric Tip: Static electricity
               something takes on?  How do you                    experiments work best on a warm,
               know if the balloon is positively or               dry day. If you're stuck inside on a
               negatively charged?                                rainy day, close the windows and
                                                                  crank up the heater to dry out the
               The triboelectric series is a list that            air first before doing any static
               ranks different materials according                electricity experiments.
               to how they lose or gain electrons.
               Near the top of the list are                       Electrical Circuits
               materials that take on a positive
               charge, such as air, human skin,                   Although we can't ‘see’ electricity
               glass, rabbit fur, human hair, wool,               flow through wires, you can

               silk, and aluminum.  Near the                      certainly see, hear, and feel its
               bottom of the list are materials                   effects: the light bulb flashing on,
               that take on a negative charge,                    the hair dryer blowing, the radiant

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