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Unit 10: Electricity                                                                   Page 19

                  Activities, Experiments, Projects

                           Lesson 1: Circuits and Components

                  Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.

                                                                  move electrons around and have
               Experiment: Static
                                                                  them stick, not flow, so we call this
                                                                  'static electricity'.

               The smallest thing around is the
                                                                  These next experiments rely
               atom, which has three main parts -
                                                                  heavily on the idea that like
               the core (nucleus) houses the
                                                                  charges repel and opposites
               protons and neutrons, and the
                                                                  attract. Your kids need to
               electron zips in a ring around the
                                                                  remember that these activities are
               core, much like the chunks of rocks
                                                                  all influenced by electrons, which
               and ice zip around the planet
                                                                  are very small, easy to move
                                                                  around, and are invisible to the
               The proton has a positive charge,
               and the electron has a negative                    Blow up a balloon. If you rub a
               charge. In the hydrogen atom,
                                                                  balloon on your head, the balloon
               which has one proton and one
                                                                  steals the electrons from your
               electron, the charges are balanced.
                                                                  head, and now has a negative
               If you steal the electron, you now
                                                                  charge. Your head now has a
               have an unbalanced, positively
                                                                  positive charge because your head
               charge atom and stuff really starts
                                                                  was electrically balanced (same
               to happen. The flow of electrons is
                                                                  number of positive and
               called electricity. We're going to
               negative charges) until the balloon                Expt. 1: Static Hairdo Charge a
               stole your negative electrons,                     balloon by rubbing it on your head
               leaving you with an unbalanced                     for 30 seconds. Pull the balloon up
               positive charge. Let' play with a                  about six inches to check your
               more static electricity experiments,               progress - if the hair isn't sticking
               including how to make water                        to the balloon, try again on

               wiggle by just using a charged                     someone with clean, dry hair
               balloon!                                           (without any hair styling goop).
                                                                  When you put the balloon close to

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