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P. 353

Unit 10: Electricity                                                                   Page 15

               heat generated by electric power,                  LED stands for “Light Emitting

               and so forth.                                      Diode”.  Diodes are one-way
                                                                  streets for electricity – they allow
                                  An electrical circuit           electrons to flow one way but not
                                  is like a NASCAR                the other.

                                  raceway.  The
                                  electrons (racecars)            Remember when you scuffed along
                                  zip around the race             the carpet?  You gathered up an
               loop (wire circuit) superfast to                   electric charge in your body.  That
               make stuff happen. Although you                    charge was static until you zapped
               can’t see the electrons zipping                    someone else.  The movement of
               around the circuit, you can see the                electric charge is called electric
               effects: lighting up LEDs, sounding                current, and is measured in
               buzzers, clicking relays, etc.                     amperes (A).

               There are many different electrical                When electric current passes
               components that make the                           through a material, it does it by
               electrons react in different ways,                 electrical conduction. There are
               such as resistors (limit current),                 different kinds of conduction, such
               capacitors (collect a charge),                     as metallic conduction, where

               transistors (gate for electrons),                  electrons flow through a conductor
               relays (electricity itself activates a             (like metal) and electrolysis, where
               switch), diodes (one-way street for                charged atoms (called ions) flow
               electrons), solenoids (electrical                  through liquids.
               magnet), switches (stoplight for
               electrons), and more.  We’re going                                        When an atom
               to use a combination of LEDs,                                             (like hydrogen)
               buzzers, and motors in our circuits                                       or molecule
               in our unit together.                                                     (like water)
                                                                                         loses an
               A CIRCUIT looks like a CIRCLE.                                            electron
               When you connect the batteries to                                         (negative
               the LED with wire and make a                       charge), it becomes an ion and

               circle, the LED lights up.  If you                 takes on a positive charge.   When
               break open the circle, electricity                 an atom (or molecule) gains an
               (current) doesn’t flow and the LED                 electron, it becomes a negative
               turns dark.                                        ion.  An electrolyte is any
                                                                  substance (like salt) that becomes

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