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P. 358
Unit 10: Electricity Page 20
your head, notice how your hair minus side, and the water
reaches out for the balloon. Your molecules line up their positive
hair is positive, the balloon is ends toward the balloon when you
negative, and you can see how bring it close.
they are attracted to each other!
Expt. 4 Ping Pong Puzzle Rub a
Your hair stands up when you rub comb with a wool sweater, and
it with a balloon because your head bring it close to a ping pong ball
is now positively charged, and all resting on a flat table. Why do you
those plus charges don’t like each think the ping pong ball moves?
other (repel). They are trying to Does it work if you use a charged
get as far away from each other as balloon instead? What if you swap
possible, so they spread far apart. the ping pong ball for a piece of
Does the hair continue to stand styrofoam?
apart even after you remove the
balloon? Does it matter what hair Expt. 5: Static Neon Store up a
color or texture? (Does the balloon good charge of electrons by
shape matter?) scuffing along the carpet in socks
on a warm, dry day. To make this
Bonus Question: How can you get a much more interesting
rid of the extra electrons? experiment, hold one end of a
neon bulb (RS #272-712) and
Expt. 2: Finding Attraction Rub watch it light as you touch the
your head with the balloon and other end to a nearby object such
then hold the balloon to a wall. Can as a metal faucet, metal part of a
you make it stick? How about the lamp, etc. You can also bring it
ceiling? How many other things close to your TV set (the old tube
does the balloon stick to? (Hint - TV kind), both turned on and just
try a wool sweater.) turned off, to see if it has any
effects on the neon lamp bulb?
Expt. 3 Wiggly Wonder Hold the
charged balloon near a stream of Hint: you'll need to get the neon
water running from a faucet. Can bulb out of the plastic encasing and
you make the water wiggle without hold only one of the wires to make
touching it? The charged balloon this experiment work - one wire act
attracts the stream of water. The a as the collector, the other is
water is like a bar magnet in that grounded (via your hand) to the
there are poles on a water earth. You can also hold onto one
molecule: there’s a plus side and a lead as you slide down a plastic
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