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Unit 10: Electricity Page 21
slide and then touch something name "Ghost Poop"... ) Rub
grounded (like your mom). packing peanuts with wool or your
hair to build up a strong, quick
You steal electrons and take on a static charge. Stick the stryfoam to
negative charge when you scuff the wall to spell out words. How
along the carpet in socks. long do they stay attached to the
Remember that just like magnets, wall? Does humidity matter? (Try
‘like’ charges (negative-to-negative spritzing with a light mist of
or positive-to-positive) repel, and water).
opposite charges (negative-to-
positive) attar, which is why you Expt. 8: Static Bubbles Blow a
can make your hair stand up on few big, round bubbles (use store-
end by scuffing around a lot. The bought bubble solution, or make
hairs all become negative, trying to your own with 12 cups cold water
get as far away from each other as and 1 cup clear Ivory dish soap
they can. and a wire coat hanger stretched
into a diamond shape). Chase your
Expt. 6: Electric Tail Feathers bubbles with a charged balloon -
Cut a sheet of tissue paper into 12 what happens? Try the comb
thin strips, about 1/2" wide and 8- rubbed with wool - which works
12" long. Straighten out a wire better? What other two things can
coat hanger (snip off the hook you use to change the path of the
part), or find yourself a 10g piece soap bubble?
of metal uninsulated wire. Tape the
strips to the end of a wire coat Expt. 9: Fluorescents
hanger (make sure your coat Unplugged In a dark room, rub
hanger do not have plastic the length of a fluorescent bulb
insulation around it - use with a piece of plastic wrap (or
sandpaper to sand off any clear polyethylene bag or wool sweater)
enamel if you're not sure). Attach a vigorously and then pull your arm
piece of plastic with tape or clay to away - the bulb should light up
the center of the rod, making a V- momentarily. What other materials
groove so the handle sits better on cause it to glow?
the wire. Bring a very charged
balloon near the end of the wire - Why do these experiments
what happens? work?
Expt. 7: Ghost Words (Although The triboelectric series is a list
this experiment has also held the that ranks different materials
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