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Unit 10: Electricity                                                                   Page 22

               according to how they lose or gain                 mercury vapor gives off UV light

               electrons. Near the top of the list                whenever it gets excited by
               are materials that take on a                       electricity (movement of
               positive charge, such as air, human                electrons). When you rub the
               skin, glass, rabbit fur, human hair,               outside of the bulb, electrons start
               wool, silk, and aluminum. Near the                 to jump around, exciting the gas,
               bottom of the list are materials                   which generated UV light, which
               that take on a negative charge,                    hits the phosphor and causes it to
               such as amber, rubber balloons,                    glow briefly. When the bulb is in
               copper, brass, gold, cellophane                    balance, it stays dark. If you tip
               tape, Teflon, and silicone rubber.                 the balance, electrons flow and you
                                                                  get light.
               When you rub a glass rod with silk,
               the glass takes on a positive                      Experiment: Basic Circuits
               charge and the silk holds the
                                                                  There are many different electrical
               negative charge. When you rub
                                                                  components that make the
               your head with a balloon, the hair
                                                                  electrons react in different ways,
               takes on a positive charge and the
                                                                  such as resistors (limit current),
               balloon takes on a negative charge.
                                                                  capacitors (collect a charge),
                                                                  transistors (gate for electrons),
               When you scuff along the carpet,
               you build up a static charge (of                   relays (electricity itself activates a
                                                                  switch), diodes (one-way street for
               electrons). Your socks insulate you
                                                                  electrons), solenoids (electrical
               from the ground, and the electrons
                                                                  magnet), switches (stoplight for
               can’t cross your sock-barrier and
                                                                  electrons), and more.  We’re going
               zip back into the ground. When you
                                                                  to use a combination diode-light-
               touch someone (or something
                                                                  bulb (LED), buzzers, and motors in
               grounded, like a metal faucet), the
                                                                  our circuits right now.
               electrons jump from you and
               complete the circuit, sending the                  A CIRCUIT looks like a CIRCLE.
               electrons from you to them (or it).                When you connect the batteries to
                                                                  the LED with wire and make a
               The fluorescent bulb lights up when                circle, the LED lights up.  If you

               the electrons jump around. The                     break open the circle, electricity
               inside of the bulb is coated with                  (current) doesn’t flow and the LED
               phosphor (a white powder) and                      turns dark.
               filled with mercury vapor gas. The
                                                                  LED stands for “Light Emitting
               phosphor gives off light whenever
                                                                  Diode”.  Diodes are one-way
               it gets smacked with UV light. The

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