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P. 342
Unit 10: Electricity Page 4
1” square sponge square of Red laser pointer (from Unit 9) or
squishy foam (or thin sponge) that flashlight
reforms into shape when released
AA batteries for your battery case
10 small paper clips (Cheap dollar-store “heavy duty”
type are perfect. Alkaline batteries
12 large paper clips
are NOT recommended.)
12 brass fasteners
2 wooden spring-type clothespins
5 unpainted steel thumbtacks Robotics & Remote
Thin bare wire (28g) or rip open an
alligator clip You'll need the parts from 'Electric
Circuits' and these items:
2 index cards
6 3VDC motors (RS #273-223)
Salt (about 8 tablespoons)
7 wheels (tops from film canisters,
Skillet and stove
small yogurt containers, milk jugs,
2 clean glass jars (pickle, jam, orange juice, etc.)
mayo…) 4 straws
8 AA battery packs (RS #270-408) 1 long bolt (2" or longer) with nut
LEDs (Radio Shack part #276-026,
2 toothbrushes or plastic spoons
276-012, 276-016, 276-311, or
2 blocks of foam (2” x 4” x 6” or
Neon Lamp (RS #272-712)
1 wooden spring-type clothespin
Buzzer (Radio Shack #273-053) or
20 wooden skewers (for 3 different
siren (#273-079)
3VDC motor (RS #273-223)
1 propeller** that fits onto the
10-20 alligator clip leads (RS motor shaft
2 gears** or cork
SPST push-button switch (RS
Plastic soap container (optional)
#275-646) or similar
Basic tools (scissors, tape, hot glue
1K or 5K-ohm potentiometers (RS
gun, and drill with bit the size of
#271-1714) OR 25-Ohm Rheostat
the motor shaft)
(RS #271-0265)
CdS cell (RS #276-1657)
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