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P. 59

Unit 1: Mechanics                                                                      Page 27

               surfaces are touching? And what’s                  magnetically “bonded” together
               the deal with this stick and slip                  and then broke apart as you slide
               thing anyway? Friction is a concept                them across on another. (The
               that’s many scientists are spending                chemical bonds don’t work quite
               a lot of time on. Understanding                    like the magnetic “bonds” but it

               friction is very important in making               gives a decent model of what’s
               engines and machines run more                      happening.) There are many
               efficiently and safely.                            mysteries and discoveries to be
                                                                  uncovered with this concept. Go
               You need:                                          out and make some!

               2 Business card magnets (those

               thin flat magnets that are the size
               of business cards)

               1. Take two business card magnets
               and stick them together black side
               to black side. They should be
               together so that the pictures (or
               whatever’s on the magnets) are on
               the outside like two pieces of bread
               on a sandwich.

               2. Now grab the sides of the
               magnets and drag one to the right
               and the other to the left so that
               they still are magnetically stuck
               together as they slide over one

               Did you notice what happened as
               they slid across one another? They
               stuck and slipped didn’t they? This
               is a bit like friction. As two surfaces

               slide across one another, they
               chemically bond and then break
               apart. Bond and break, bond and
               break as they slide. The magnets

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