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Unit 1: Mechanics                                                                      Page 22

               with opposite poles facing one                     Experiment: Force Cereal
               another will pull themselves
               together.                                          Did you know that your cereal may
                                                                  be magnetic? Find a bowl of some
               Using a compass and the Earth,                     sort of “O” shaped cereal, milk, a
               you can do a simple experiment to                  bowl, and a spoon. Ready?
               detect the magnetic field of our
               planet. (If you don’t have a                       1. Fill the bowl with milk.
               compass, just slide a magnet along
               the length of a needle several                     2. Put about 20 pieces of cereal
               times (make sure you only swipe in                 (not the whole box!) into the bowl.
               one direction!) then stick it through
               a cork or bit of foam. Float the                   3. Stir up the bowl a little and
               needle-foam thing in a cup of                      watch what happens.
                                                                  If you watched carefully, you saw
               1. Look at the compass                             that as the cereal “O’s” got close to
                                                                  one another, they attracted each
               2. Walk anywhere and keep your                     other. The closer they got, the
               eye on the compass.                                stronger was their attraction to
                                                                  each other and the faster they
               3. Turn around in circles and keep                 moved towards each other. If you
               your eye on the compass (don’t get                 wait and watch long enough, you
               too dizzy).                                        get a nice tight batch of cereal all
                                                                  clustered together in one or two
               Again a very simple little activity,               big blobs. This activity is a great
               but I hope you can see the point.                  illustration of what is meant by the
               No matter where you went or what                   inverse square law because the
               you did, that needle always pointed                attraction between “O’s” was
               the same direction! The Earth’s                    stronger the closer they got to
               magnetic force field, another                      each other.
               strange and mysterious force,
               always pushes that needle in the                   I discovered this activity one
               same direction. It’s invisible and                 morning as I was eating cereal.
               you can’t feel it…but the needle                   The same thing happens with
               can!                                               bubbles when you’re doing the
                                                                  dishes. Science is everywhere! Feel
                                                                  free to eat the cereal.

               © 2010 Supercharged Science                            

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