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Unit 1: Mechanics Page 18
There’s quite a bit that is still What you should see is that both
unknown about how they work. A objects hit the ground at the same
force field is a strange area that time! Gravity accelerates both
surrounds an object. That field can items equally and they hit the
push or pull other objects that ground at the same time. Any two
wander into its area. Force fields objects will do this, a brick and a
can be extremely tiny or larger Buick, a flower and a fish, a
than our solar system. kumquat and a cow!
A way to picture a force field is to But what if you drop a feather and
imagine an invisible bubble that a ball at the same time? There is
surrounds a gizmo. If some other one thing that will change the
object enters that bubble, that results and that is air resistance.
object will be pushed or pulled by The bigger, lighter and fluffier
an invisible force that is caused by something is, the more air
the gizmo. That’s pretty bizarre to resistance can affect it and so it
think about isn’t it? However, it will fall more slowly. Air resistance
happens all the time. is a type of friction which we will
As you sit there right now, you are be talking about later. In fact, if
engulfed in at least two huge force you removed air resistance, a
fields, the Earth’s magnetic field feather and a flounder would hit
and the Earth’s gravitational field. the ground at the same time!!!
Where can you remove air
Gravity resistance? The moon!!! One of the
This next lesson may give you a Apollo missions actually did this
sinking sensation but don’t worry (well, they didn’t use a flounder
about it. It’s only because we’re they used a hammer). An
talking about gravity. You can’t go astronaut dropped a feather and a
anywhere without gravity. hammer at the same time and
indeed, both fell at the same rate
Even though we deal with gravity of speed and hit the surface of the
on a constant basis, there are moon at the same time.
several misconceptions about it.
Let’s get to an experiment right Ask someone this question: Which
away and I’ll show you what I will hit the ground first, if dropped
mean. from the same height, a bowling
ball or a tennis ball? Most will say
When you drop a golf ball and a the bowling ball. In fact, if you
ping pong ball from the same asked yourself that question 5
height, what happens?
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