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Unit 1: Mechanics                                                                      Page 15

                   accelerated towards the Earth at               8.  Weight is a measure of how
                   the same rate of speed.                           much gravity is pulling on an

               7.  Gravity does pull on things                       object.
                   differently. Gravity is pulling                9.  Mass is a measure of how much
                   greater on objects that weigh                     matter (how many atoms) make
                   more.                                             up an object.

                                            Lesson 3: Friction

               If you answered friction, you’re                          pressure is put on the
               right. But what is friction really?                       materials. Whether the
               Would your hands feel warmer if                           materials are wet or dry.

               they were larger? Or rougher? Or                          Whether they are hot or
               darker? What sorts of things affect                       cold…in other words, it’s
               the amount of friction between two                        quite complicated!
               surfaces?                                             3.  Static friction is the friction

                                                                         between two objects that are
               If you read a textbook from twenty
               years ago, you’ll find some things                        not moving.
               have changed about how we think                       4.  Kinetic friction is the friction
               about friction. Engineers used to                         between two objects where
               only look at surface roughness…                           at least one of them is
               but then they took a look on the                          moving.
               molecular level and saw a few                         5.  Friction happens due to the
               things that made us update our                            electro-magnetic forces

               way of thinking about treads.                             between two objects.

                   1.  Friction is the force between                 6.  Friction is not necessarily due

                       two objects in contact with                       to the roughness of the
                       one another.                                      objects but rather to
                                                                         chemical bonds “sticking and
                   2.  Friction is dependent on the                      slipping” over one another.
                       materials that are in contact

                       with one another. How much

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