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P. 45
Unit 1: Mechanics Page 13
Lesson 1: Force
In 1666 Newton did his early work It’s kind of like asking someone to
on his Three Laws of Motion. To define the word “and” or “the”.
this day, those laws still hold true. Well, this lesson is all about giving
There has been some allowances you a better feeling for what the
for really big things (like the word force means. We’ll be talking
cosmos) and for really small things a lot about forces in many lessons
(like the atom). Other than that, to come. So, pay attention! The
Newton’s Law’s are pretty much simplest way to define force is to
dead on. say that it means a push or a pull
like pulling a wagon or pushing a
Newton’s Laws are all they used to car. That’s a correct definition, but
get the first man to the moon. there’s a lot more to what a force
They are an amazingly powerful is than just that.
and wonderful area of physics. I
like them because evidence of Here are the highlights for this
them is everywhere. If something lesson:
moves or can be moved, it follows
Newton’s Laws. You can’t sit in a 1. A force is a push or a pull.
car, walk down the road, drink a 2. There are four fundamental
glass of milk, or kick a ball without forces. In order of strength they
using Newton’s Laws. I also like are strong nuclear force,
them because they are relatively electromagnetism, weak nuclear
easy to understand and yet open force, and gravity.
up worlds of answers and
questions. They are truly a 3. A force field is an invisible area
foundation for understanding the around an object within which
world around you. that object can cause other
objects to move.
If I asked you to define the word 4. A force field can be attractive
force, what would you say? (pull an object towards it) or
repulsive (push an object
You probably have a feeling for away).
what force means, but you may
have trouble putting it into words.
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