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Unit 1: Mechanics Page 17
not, of all the forces, gravity is the As for pulling a wagon, you can
weakling. It is actually much think of yourself as a living,
weaker than the other three. In breathing electromagnetic force
fact, the other three have a maker. When you pull a wagon,
tendency to pick on gravity, which you are using electromagnetic
isn’t very nice. force to work your muscles and do
Some other questions you might what needs to be done to get that
be thinking are “Where is friction in wagon going.
the list?” and “What about pulling a Force Fields
wagon, what kind of force is that?”
Excellent questions my perceptive You may wonder what force fields
pupil! Here comes a bit of a have to do with a serious
shocker. Friction, which is what examination of physics like the one
allows you to pull a wagon, push a in this lesson. You probably
car, and sit in your chair without consider force fields to be
sliding off, is actually an something you might hear about in
electromagnetic force. a science fiction scene such as
You can sit in your chair because ... Meanwhile, in section 27B of the
there are electromagnetic Horse Crab Galaxy, First Mate Fred
interactions between the atoms in frets, “Captain Clyde! the force
your, uh...rear section, and the field is too strong. Our ship will
atoms in the chair. In fact, you never make it through.” “Never
aren’t touching that chair. Or I worry First Mate Fred!” exclaims
should say, your matter is not Captain Clyde calmly. “I’ve
touching the matter of the chair. increased power to the neutron-
The electromagnetic fields around frapters so we will be just fine.”
your atoms and the chair’s atoms “Captain Clyde, that’s genius.
are touching but particles of matter You’re my hero!” First Mate Fred
are not. This fact comes in Force 1 fawns.
very handy when you’re in the Truthfully, however, force fields
back of the car with your brother aren’t just something for science
or sister and they yell, “Will you fiction writers. They are actually a
STOP touching me!” Now you can very real and very mysterious part
say with great smugness, “I’m not of the world in which you live. So,
touching you, only my what is a force field? Well, I can’t
electromagnetic forces are!” Isn’t tell you. To be honest, nobody can.
physics fun?
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