Page 35 - 02ELAY5 KSWGbk SUM 190_Neat
P. 35

Y5 Summer Term Part 1. CW Lesson 4

          Semi-colons ______________________________________________


        Put semi-colons in these passages then look them up in your Bible to see if you are right.
        Correct any mistakes.

         ‘Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock be not silent to me’    Psalm 28:1

         ‘God standeth in the congregation of the mighty he judgeth among the

          g  o  d  s  ’                                                                                  P  s  a  l  m     8  2  :  1

         ‘For the LORD is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all

         nations.’                                                                      Psalm 100:2

         ‘I  will  extol thee, my  God,  O  King  and I  will  bless  thy  name  for  ever
          and  ever.’                                                                   Psalm 145:1

        Write a sentence about Jesus using a semi-colon.

        Write a sentence about an animal using a semi-colon.



        Write a sentence about your town, village or city using a semi-colon.



        Put semi-colons in this passage.
        Once upon a time there was a wise man who had a loyal wife and two children.
        He cared faithfully for them he worked hard for them. Everyday he

        prayed for them they were always in his thoughts. There was

        happiness and harmony in their home   they were at peace with
        each other.

         Look in the Psalms to find more semi-colons.

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