Page 31 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 31
Y4 Spring Term Part 1. Lesson 1
How, when,
An adverb ________________________________________________________________
Underline the nouns in red, the verbs in blue and the adverbs in green.
The su shone brig
sleep peaceful
3. The athlete ran superbly.
shared the sweets generously.
5. Adam and Joe listened carefully to the teacher.
Choose the best adverb to fit into the sentences.
slowly comfortably happily wisely fairly quickly
1. “If you are sitting ________________________I will begin,” she said
2. The tortoise went _______________but the hare ran ____________.
3. The children played __________________.
_________________ when he made decisions.
5. The children shared the chocolate _________________.
Write three sentences with ‘how’ adverbs in them.
Think of a ‘how’ adverb beginning with most letters of the alphabet.