Page 29 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 29


            1. What is a syllable? It is a part of a word.                                             (1 mark)

            2. How many syllables are in these words?                                              (12 marks)

             a)  nut  1      b)  peanut  2       c) baby 2                   d) dish  1

             e) potato 3          f) gymnast 2          g) interesting  4           h) owl 1

             i) spanner  2         j) librarian 4       k) computer 3               l) rabbit 2

            3. Divide these words into syllables.                                                    (4 marks)

               a) shallow shal low              b) shopper shop per

               c)  manners  man ners            d) puzzle   puz zle

            4. Fill in the table.                                                                            (6 marks)

            Longer way of writing                             Shorter way of writing
            the cake belonged to the baker                    the baker’s cake

            The toy belonging to Harry                        Harry’s toy

            the yacht belonging to the sailor                 the sailor’s yacht

            The dresses belonging to the girls                the girls’ dresses

            the bones belonging to the dogs                   The dogs’ bones

            The homes belonging to the boys                   the boys’ homes

            5.  Put the speech marks and other punctuation signs in these sentences.
                                                                                                   (12 marks)
                    Jonathan said to David, “Let’s be friends.”

                    “I would like that,” David replied.

                    Jonathan said, “Friendship means loyalty to one another.”
                                                                                             Total marks = 35

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