P. 14
By Keir Brady Source:
If you are empathic, you probably easily are feeling belongs to you, or someone ness and meditation can be helpful as
identify with the feelings of others. You else. Naming the feeling you are experi- well. The more you are able to be fully
might also absorb the emotions and encing can help with this. If you were present in the moment, the less likely
moods of those around you. Being in a having a great day and when someone you are to take on the negative emotions
crowd could leave you feeling exhausted joined you anger came up, this feeling of others.
and emotionally drained. It is probably might not belong to you. Being able to
difficult to watch violent movies, or differentiate and name your feelings, 3. Be Self-Aware
even the news. If you absorb the energy can help you realize what feelings be- Self-awareness is important when you
around you and feel what others are long to you and which ones might be- are sensitive to other people’s feelings.
feeling, then you might be an empath. long to someone else. Acknowledge your need for alone time.
While there is nothing wrong with being Spend time with your own emotions.
an empath, it can take a toll on your Allow your feelings to be without judg-
emotional well-being. If being an em- ment. Learn what triggers you in a nega-
path is negatively impacting your mental tive way. Also, become aware of what
health, there are some things you can try brings you feelings of joy. When you are
that might help. more aware of your own feelings,
Being An Empath moods, and triggers, it is easier to tell
when you are picking up on someone
If you are an empath, you can easily else’s energy. Being more self-aware will
identify with and experience another’s enable you to cultivate different ways to
feelings. Empathy can be a very good acknowledge emotions that do not be-
quality as it can help you connect with long to you without absorbing them.
others through a deep level of under-
standing. You probably have good intui- 4. Visualize A Glass Wall
tion, are a natural nurturer, and exude a
healing energy. Being around joyful, There are a number of techniques that
excited people energizes you and makes you can use to keep other people’s ener-
you feel good. The difficult part of be- gy separate. One technique includes vis-
ing empathic is that you also pick up on ualizing a glass wall between yourself
the negative energy and feelings of sad- and the other person. The glass wall al-
2. Ground Yourself
ness and despair. This can lead to prob- lows you to see the other person’s emo-
lems with anxiety and depression when If you notice yourself absorbing the tions. However, the emotions are not
it is hard to separate yourself from the energy of those around you, ground able to penetrate the wall. When they hit
unpleasant emotions of others. If you yourself back in the present moment. the wall, they bounce back to the other
are sensitive to other people’s feelings Focus on a specific object nearby. person, not to you. You can see and
and emotions, there are things you can Name the things that are around you. acknowledge the feelings, but you do
do to keep yourself from absorbing all Touch something with a unique texture. not absorb them. This technique can
of the negative energy around you. Take some deep, cleansing belly work in large crowds as well. You can
breaths. When your focus is on the ex- picture yourself surrounded by a glass
1. Name The Feeling perience rather than the feeling, it is wall as you move through the crowd.
easier to keep the energy around you
When you are sensitive to other people’s separate from you. Practicing mindful- Although you may notice their energy,
energy, it is difficult to know if what you
Continued on page 38
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