Page 5 - MPD_Summer_2018_Program_Catalog_Final-2
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Deadline: Week 1: Jun 4th EARLY C HILDHOOD
Week 2: Jun 11th
Week 3: Jun 18th & YOUTH
Week 4: Jun 25th
Week 5: Jul 2nd
Week 7: Jul 16th Join us for an evening filled with magic and mesmerizing
Week 8: Jul 23rd tricks! You will discover ways to amaze your family and
Week 9: Jul 30th
friends with tricks and magic using ropes, coins, mind-
HORSEBACK RIDING – ALL AGES reading and much more. These tricks just look complex, but
you’ll learn how to become a magician with a blink of an
Learning to horseback ride can be fun for all ages. Nova eye. Children are grouped by age and always learn popular
Quarter Horses, Inc. offers beginner, intermediate and tricks and age-appropriate skills. Returning magicians will
advanced riding levels; in both English and Western experience different tricks at each session. All materials
disciplines. Whether you are new to the sport of horseback are provided and each student receives a magic
riding; rode years ago or always wanted to learn to ride, kit to take home. Please register at the Manhattan
now is your chance. Nova offers both an indoor and Park District Recreation Center.
outdoor arena, so Nova is able to offer lessons year round.
A five lesson card includes five individual one hour lessons Day: Thursday
with a qualified instructor in a group format. Once your Dates: Jul 26 ACTV#:4110105-A01
lesson card is purchased, call the stable to arrange classes Age: 5-12 years old
at 708.479.3696. Long pants and hard soled or gym Time: 5:00-5:55 pm
shoes are required. Fee: $22/R $27/NR
Location: Frankfort Square Park District
Age: 6 years and older ACTV#:4143005-A01 Deadline: Jul 19
Fee: $180/R $185/NR
Location: Nova Quarter Horses, Inc. KIDSSCI (STEM) SCIENCE NEW!
10129 W. 187th Street ACADEMIES (AGES: 8 AND UP)
Mokena, IL 60448
“KidsSci offers fun and entertaining science, technology,
NOVA QUARTER HORSES engineering, & math (STEM) science academies for kids age
SUMMER CAMP 8 and up. They will learn about physics, chemistry, biology,
electricity, magnetism, and more while doing team based
Come join us for fun filled days of learning horsemanship activities and watching exciting science demonstrations.”
skills. Students will have hands-on experience in grooming, There will be 8 separate classes:
bridling, and saddling horses. Every day will also include
a riding lesson. Wednesday is BBQ and wacky water day, Class I: Physics I – Learn all about Newton’s 3 laws of
and the last day of camp we will have a horse show for the motion while doing a variety of fun physics activities. Kids
students to demonstrate their skills to family and friends. will know the laws in order and what they mean after all the
hands-on physics activities in this academy. They’ll have so
Days: Monday-Thursday much fun they won’t realize they’re learning!
Dates: Class I: Jun 11-14 ACTV#:4143009-A01
Class II: Jun 18-21 ACTV#:4143009-A02 Class II: Physics II – Learn the basics of thermodynamics
Class III: Jun 25-28 ACTV#:4143009-A03 and hydraulics by doing fun activities involving fluids and
Class IV: Jul 9-12 ACTV#:4143009-A04 air. Crush a can without touching it, tie water in knots, make
Class V: Jul 30-Aug 2 ACTV#:4143009-A05 metal coins float on water, and more astounding science
Age: 7-18 years old tricks.
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm Class III: Physics III – Learn about pneumatics while
Fee: $320/R/NR doing activities involving air. Learn how airplanes fly, how to
Location: Nova Quarter Horses, Inc. make things levitate with air, blow out candles with carbon
10129 W. 187th Street dioxide you make, and more cool science tricks guaranteed
Mokena, IL 60448 to baffle your friends.
Deadline: Class I: Jun 4 Class IV: Chemistry I – Learn about polymers while
Class II: Jun 11 making glow in the dark slime and bouncing balls from
Class III: Jun 18 common chemicals. Use cabbage juice to learn about acids
Class IV: Jul 2 and bases while testing common chemicals’ pH level and
Class V: Jul 23 watch awesome chemistry demonstrations.
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