Page 7 - MPD_Summer_2018_Program_Catalog_Final-2
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YOUNG REMBRANDTS –                                       DANCE
        SEQUENTIAL SUMMER                         NEW!
        DRAWING FUN (AGES 7-12)                                  JENN RALEIGH, INSTRUCTOR
        Sequential summer drawing fun awaits your budding artist   BEGINNING DANCE:
        with Young Rembrandts award-winning step-by-step drawing
        classes!  Each day, we will introduce artists to a variety of   3-4 years old.  This play-centered class will acclimate
        different summer characters in humorous situations as we   young dancers to a class setting through movement activities
        teach your child how to draw a sequential set of images   that travel across the floor, in the center, and at the ballet
        inspired by exaggerated expressions!  Enroll your child for   barre. We will learn basic steps and positions through
        one day, two days or all three drawing days at a discount!    games and following directions. Dancers need to be toilet-
        All supplies provided by Young Rembrandts.               trained (parents may need to be available if their child
                                                                 needs help). Please bring a water bottle and wear
        Day:      Wednesdays                                     comfortable clothing and bare feet, dance shoes,
        Dates:    Class I:   Jun 13     ACTV#:4150314-A01        or gym shoes to each class.
                  Class II:   Jun 20    ACTV#:4150314-A02
                  Class III:  Jun 27    ACTV#:4150314-A03        DANCE FITNESS:
        Age:      7-12 years old                                 8-12 years old. Party Animals are welcome! This fitness-
        Time:     1:00-2:00 pm                                   focused class will offer 40-minutes of kid-friendly dance
        Fee:      $13/R $18/NR (Individual Classes)              routines to their favorite pop songs, 10 minutes of strength
                  $34/R $39/NR (All 3 Classes)                   and stretch conditioning, and 10 minutes of physical
        Min/Max:  8/12                                           games (requests will be taken for new songs/routines each
        Location:  HCC Market Room                               week). Students may not even realize that they are building
        Deadline:  Class I:   Jun 6                              cardiovascular  stamina,  strength,  flexibility,  coordination,
                        Class II:  Jun 13                        memory, and self-esteem while they are moving in this class
                  Class III:  Jun 20                             that is focused on fun. Please bring a water bottle to
                                                                 each class and wear gym shoes and comfortable
                                                                 clothing – feel free to dress CRAZY!

                                                                 BALLET/JAZZ/HIP HOP COMBO:
                                                                 8-12 years old. Young dancers will get a taste of all dance
           Kidz Squad                                            styles and techniques in this non-recital focused summer
           Kidz Squad is a safe place for children to enjoy organized   class. Dancers are encouraged to keep up their skills and
           games,  crafts,  social  interaction  and  an  opportunity  to   to have fun as we learn steps and choreography set to their
           complete homework in an adult supervised setting.  Kidz   favorite songs! Please bring a water bottle and wear
           Squad begins two hours prior to school in the morning and   comfortable clothing and bare feet, dance shoes,
           in  the  afternoon  until  6:00pm  and  is  held  at  Anna   or gym shoes to each class.
           McDonald School.  Fees for the 2018-19 school year are   Day:   Mondays
           as  follows:  a  non-refundable  registration  fee  of  $12  per   Dates:   Jun 11-30 (skip Jul 2)
           child or $15 per family, $25 refundable deposit per child,   Fee:   $76/R $81/NR
           $7.00 hourly per child.  Price includes a snack and drink at      $66/R $71/NR (Beginning Dance Fee
           each session.
                                                                 Minimum:  6 participants per class
           Payments can be made using cash, checks, e-pay, ACH
           (Automatic debit from checking), or credit card. Kidz Squad   Dance Fitness:
           follows the District 114 school calendar beginning on the       4:30-5:30pm          ACTV#:4071102-A01
           first full day of school and ending on the last full day of   Ballet/Jazz/Hip Hop Combo:
           school, and is not available during school vacation times or      5:30-6:30pm        ACTV#:4071002-A01
           during  emergency  school  closings.  Please  contact   Beginning Dance:
           Manhattan Park District at 815.478.3324 for specific dates.      6:30-7:00pm          ACTV#:4070401-A01
                                                                 Location:  HCC Market Studio
                                                                 Deadline:  Jun 4

                                              DEDICATION AND OPEN HOUSE APRIL 28, 2018

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