Page 12 - MPD_Summer_2018_Program_Catalog_Final-2
P. 12

        It’s Timing! This program is about the fundamentals of each   Run, Run, Run! Speed, quickness, and agility needed for
        event that builds the foundation for speed, quickness, and   sports.  Excellent  coaches  will  focus  on  teaching  sprints,
        agility. Excellent coaches will focus on teaching sprints,   hurdles, jumps, and running in a safe and fundamental
        hurdles, jumps, distance running, and throws in a safe   way. This camp consists of body balance techniques,
        and fundamental way. The camp consists of body balance   speed, quickness, and agility drills, producing a quicker,
        techniques, speed, quickness, and agility drills, producing   safer, more powerful performer. A series of individual and
        a quicker, safer, more powerful performer. A wide variety   team relay races makes speed training fun and entertaining.
        of timed events will take place during each day concluding   Camp concludes with a speed championship series. Kids
        with an event championship series on the final day.      love it!
        Day:      Monday-Friday                                  Day:      Monday-Friday
        Dates:    Class I:   Jun 11-15   ACTV#:4102309-A01       Dates:    Class I:   Jun 18-22   ACTV#:4103409-A01
                  Class II:   Jul 23-27   ACTV#:4102309-A02                Class II:   Jul 16-20   ACTV#:4103409-A02
        Age:      6-14 years old (separated within camp)         Age:      6-14 years old (separated within camp)
        Time:     9:00am-12:00pm                                 Time:     9:00am-12:00pm
        Fee:      $100/R $105/NR                                 Fee:      $100/R $105/NR
        Min/Max:  6/40                                           Min/Max:  6/28
        Location:  Round Barn Farm Park                          Location:  Round Barn Farm Park
        Deadline:  Class I:   Jun 4                              Deadline:  Class I:    Jun 11
                  Class II:   Jul 16                                       Class II:   Jul 9

                                                                 KIDS FIRST FLAG FOOTBALL CAMP
                                                                 Are you ready for some FOOTBALL? This program consists
                                                                 of flag football games and preparation. Parents have called
                                                                 Kids First Sports Safety mandatory before playing tackle
                                                                 football. Excellent coaches plan strategic, fun preparation
                                                                 drills and games that will increase skills and safety through
                                                                 fundamentals. This camp offers a punt-pass-kick contest and
                                                                 championship flag football game, as well as skill positions
                                                                 training, techniques on speed and quickness, body balance,
                                                                 first step directional movements, football safety awareness
                                                                 and sportsmanship. Kids love it!
                                                                 Day:      Monday-Friday
                                                                 Dates:    Jun 25-29            ACTV#:4101909-A01
        KIDS FIRST SAND VOLLEYBALL CAMP                          Age:      6-14 years old (separated within camp)
        Spike it in the sand! This fun and instructional camp    Fee:      $100/R $105/NR
        prepares players to succeed in volleyball. Excellent coaches   Min/Max:  8/44
        plan strategic, fun preparation drills and games that will   Location:  Round Barn Farm Park
        increase skills and safety through fundamentals. Kids love   Deadline:  Jun 18
        it! This camp offers a volleyball skills challenge contest and
        championship volleyball games, as well as competitive
        drills for skills training, serving, bumping, setting, spiking,
        techniques on speed and quickness, body balance, first step
        directional movements, volleyball safety awareness and
        Day:      Monday-Friday
        Dates:    Class I:   Jun 11-15   ACTV#:4101809-A01
                  Class II:   July 23-27   ACTV#:4101809-A02
        Age:      7-14 years old (separated within camp)
        Time:     12:00-3:00pm
        Fee:      $100/R $105/NR
        Min/Max:  6/24
        Location:  Round Barn Farm Park
        Deadline:  Class I:   Jun 4
                  Class II:   Jul 16

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